

1414 Uppsatser om Post operative muscle str - Sida 1 av 95

Glukos och leucin som potentiellt hjälpmedel i återuppbyggandet av muskelglykogen efter hårt arbete hos travhästar

The aim of the project was to study the effect of oral administration of glucose and leucin on the resynthesis of muscle glycogen after intense exercise in Standardbred trotters. In a crossover design, 11 Standardbred trotters performed a standardized exercise test on two occasions in order to deplete muscle glycogen. The exercise test comprised a warm up period, 7 repeated bouts of exercise on an uphill 500 m slope, and a recovery period. After the exercise test horses received: 1) a solution of glucose and leucine via a nasogastric tube at 0 minutes and at 240 minutes post exercise and a single bout of glucose at 120 minutes post exercise or 2) water (placebo) at 0, 120 and 240 minutes. Blood samples for measurement of glucose and insulin concentrations were collected at rest, when the horses returned to the stables directly after exercise and throughout the 6 hour recovery phase. During the first recovery hour, samples were collected every 15 minutes and then every 30 minutes over the next 5 hours.

Utveckling och tillämpning av det muskelstyrda datorspelet EMG Track Game.

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique that measures muscle activity, whichmeans detecting the electrical signals that travel through the muscle in connectionwith muscle contraction. This project deals with how EMG can be used tocontrol a computer game.The project is centered around the game 'EMG Track Game' which has beenconstructed as part of this work. 'EMG Track Game' is controlled by twoelectrodes fastened on the player. These are attached to two selected musclesand control the motion in one direction each, one up and the other one down.The game is constructed in the purpose of being used in several elds of application.Among these are as entertainment, training equipment and a tool inresearch related to EMG and muscles.To highlight a possible application a study concerning muscle control has beenconducted. It answers the question of whether players score better with theirdominant arm in comparison with their non-dominant one.

Muskelstyrka i lårmuskulatur efter operation av främre korsbandet ? finns skillnader avseende ålder och kön?

Det finns idag ingen konsensus om den optimala rehabiliteringen efter en främrekorsbandsrekonstruktion, vi vet heller inte idag huruvida rehabiliteringen skaspecificeras efter parametrar som kön och ålder. Studien var en korrelerandetvärsnittsstudie med syfte att ta reda på om det förelåg någon skillnad i postoperativlårmuskelstyrka 4-7 månader efter en korsbandsrekonstruktion med avseende på kön,ålder, skada och typ av operativt ingrepp. Av de 330 aktuella försökspersonerna var detendast 74 personer som godkänt deltagande och uppfyllde kraven förinklusionskriterierna. Försökspersonerna testades i en isokinetisk dynamometer(Biodex)för maximal styrka(60gr/s) och uthållig styrka(180gr/s). Resultaten presenteradesgenom ett Limb Symmetry Index.

De kommunala samverkansorganen. Handlingsfrihet och handlingsförmåga i den regionala utvecklingspolitiken.

Today there is a keen competition between regions in the world for companies and inhabitants in order to improve regional development and economic growth. In many regions there is an active effort to create a good home base for companies and inhabitants. Since 2003 municipalities in nine counties in Sweden have come together in co-operative agencies in order to work towards more efficient regional development.This essay focuses on the relation between the state and the co-operative agencies in the regional development policy and which possibilities the state gives the co-operative agencies to pursue an efficient regional development policy, both legally and financially. I have researched and analysed this through models and ideas on how the state governs the administration and through the translation theory. The result of my study is that the co-operative agencies have a relatively large amount of freedom to make there own priorities, but the ability to act efficiently within regional development is limited..

Ombildad hyresrätt ? påverkar den en delning av egendom? : Vid äktenskapsskillnad eller upplösning av samboförhållande

 When a couple divorce or when couples move apart a division of property can be done. A married couple's property constitutes of joint property and private property. In a division of property between spouses is only the value of the joint property included, not the value of the private property. In a division of property between couples that live together but not a married their joint property that are bought to be used by them together will be included. It is the value of the joint property that will be shared in the division of property.

Förbättrad muskelfunktion och balans hos äldre kvinnor efter sex veckors funktionell träning

Sweden is the country that has got the largest amount of elderly in the adult population in the world. The physical activity level decreases as we grow old and we experience muscle mass loss and a bone density reduction. This leads to an increased risk for falls and subsequent fractures. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an exercise program could affect muscle function and balance ability to prevent falls. 17 women (age 64-79) participated in this study and was assigned to a control group (n=7) and an intervention group (n=10).

Hur påverkas muskelaktiviteten vid styrketräning med en tjock stång i jämförelse med en standardolympisk stång? : En EMG- studie

Many everyday tasks and also many sports require good grip and forearm strength. Everything from carrying boxes and lifting a child to grab the arms and legs in various martial arts, or holding a tennis racket involving the hand and forearm muscles in various ways. It is therefore important to train these muscles to prevent injuries and congestion and to perform well in sport. A well known way to train functional strength in the hand and forearm muscles is weight training with thick handles. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in muscle activity in the upper arm and forearm muscles as well as the deltoids between two bars of different diameter (28mm and 57mm) in two different weight training exercises using electromyography (EMG).

Kvinnors erfarenhet av postoperativ smärta och smärtlindring efter kejsarsnitt

Background: Many women experience high levels of pain after caesarean birth. Adequate postoperative pain treatment is important for the mother to be able to breastfeed, take care of the infant and experience a positive birth. Objective: The overall aim is to study women?s experience of postoperative pain and pain relief after caesarean birth. Method: A quantitative retrospective survey.

Total hälseneruptur: Resultat efter operativ respektive konservativ behandling.

ABSTRACTBackground: On behalf of the Orthopedic clinic, Västerås, a study has been conducted with focus on comparing the results after conservative and surgical treatment due to complete achillestendon rupture.Aim: To compare results when testing the active and passive range of motion, calf muscle endurance, estimation of pain related to the achillestendon and self-efficacy to be physically active for individuals who have undergone conservative or surgical treatment after complete achillestendon rupture.Method: 14 individuals afflicted by complete achillestendon rupture in 2010 were recruited as a purposive sample. Examination were conducted of: Ankle range of motion with a goniometer, calf muscle endurance through a toe-raise test, estimation of pain intensity related to the achillestendon by VAS and self-efficacy to be physically active through ?Exercise self-efficacy scale?. P-value and the median were calculated.Result: The results of ankle range of motion and calf muscle endurance were based on the difference between the injured and the healthy side. When testing active plantarflexion the conservative group had a median of 4 ? and the surgical group had a median of 10 ?.

Bilateral deficit vid excentrisk och koncentrisk muskelaktion : En jämförande studie mellan den summerade unilaterala och bilaterala kraftutvecklingen hos roddare visavi sprinters

AimThe main aim of the study was to investigate the difference in bilateral deficit between rowers and sprinters during maximal eccentric/concentric muscle actions.? Are there any significant differences in bilateral deficit between rowers and sprinters?? Do the amount of years in practice effect the bilateral deficit?MethodFourteen male subject participants divided in 2 equal sized groups (7 individuals in each group; rowers and sprinters) performed maximal unilateral/bilateral eccentric and concentric muscle actions in a leg press machine at a velocity of 0.2m/s. The range of motion in the knee joint was 70° ? 140°. Dependent t-tests have been performed within each group pre and post test.

Förebyggande djuromvårdnad mot post-anestetisk myopati hos häst

Post-anaesthetic myopathy (PAM) is a serious occasional complication of general anaesthesia in horses. It causes not only pain and suffering to the horse, but also suffering (trauma) to the owner with increased veterinary costs. In the worst case PAM can be fatal. The anaesthetic nurse must know which parameters have to be taken into consideration in the prevention of PAM, to be able to prevent it, and use that knowledge for the animals safety. The aim of this literature review was to investigate and make a presentation of the factors and measurements associated with PAM, with focus on how to monitor these measurements to prevent it from happening, and the advice a Veterinary nurse can give to the horse owner regarding this condition. According to literature there a few factors that greatly increase the risk of PAM, these include- hypotension, periods less than 60 mmHg significantly increases the risk.

Anestesipersonalens peri-operativa omvårdnad av överviktiga och obesa barn

Children are a group of patients that require special knowledge from the anesthesia staff, both general and specific. Theoretical knowledge and practical experience is necessary to adequately care for the child as it anatomically, physiologically and mentally may differ from adult patients.A growing problem in the pediatric population is overweight and obesity. From a stagnation in the early 2000s the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in the world are again increasing.The purpose of this study was to examine peri-operative care of overweight and obese children.Systematic searches were done in PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. After the quality audit according to SBU, twelve articles were included for analysis.Results suggest that overweight and obese children have a higher risk of respiratory peri-operative complications. The risk of hospital admission after outpatient surgery was also greater in this group as well as higher costs for health care.Overweight and obese children are complex subjects with more frequent peri-operative risk factors than normal-weight children.

Effekter av muskeluppbyggande träning på muskelstyrka och funktionsnivå hos personer med Multipel Skleros: en litteraturstudie

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of our most common neurological diseases. The development of the disease often make the affected persons live with it for a long time. There are two types of the disease, the first is a progressive type and the other is relapsing remitting. Strengthening exercises isn?t commonly used as a treatment method although muscle weakness and fatigue are common symptoms.

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

Korsförlamning hos häst : fodrets påverkan

The purpose of this thesis has been to gather knowledge about the complaints of tying-up in horses and to show that the importance of feeding. The thesis includes a literature review of tying-up how preventative measures by feeding can be made. In the equine sport, crosscountry, horses occasionally suffers from tying-up, a muscle disease. An increased knowledge about the disease is demanded by riders and trainers as the disease disrupts training and competition of suffered horses. A cross-country horse works very hard in training and during competitions but the work bouts are long enough for the muscle cells to use aerobic pathways in the metabolism.

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